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Anyone who’s a fan of a particular sports team or rallies behind a specific candidate knows the power of brand loyalty. As a culture, we gravitate towards groups that follow particular interests.

This kind of loyalty is what every business strives for. Loyal customers will promote the benefits of your products, creating word-of-mouth and social media advertising that can rival the best marketing strategies.

The question is: how do you go from cold calls and online leads to clients who are in love with your brand?

People are creatures of habit; we tend to buy the same coffee, shop at our preferred stores and even use the same toilet paper brand over and over again.

Sometimes these choices come from direct experience using a product or service. Other times, they’re selected by exposure, intuition, repetition, or word-of-mouth. When faced with a decision between two competing options, brand loyalty means always picking the same brand.

To convince your customers that your brand is worth following, these are some possible avenues you can use:

  • Develop informative content
  • Establish a social media presence
  • Create an e-mail marketing plan
  • Optimize your website
  • Comment or write on other blogs
  • Post static website advertisements

    By generating great content, your business can simultaneously get the word out while building brand loyalty through trust.

    One of the best ways to take those leads and make them last is to look at the small picture. There may be a multitude of factors that are attractive about a particular product or service, but by focusing on promoting a few key points, you will target specific things your customers can relate to.

    Building up loyalty is important if you want to keep your customers coming back. Cold calls and client lists only get you so far, and businesses need to keep their clients engaged.

    A great way to generate engagement is through exclusive offers. Clients enjoy feeling like they are part of a private club or have access to goods and services that others do not. Offering your customers options that are unavailable to the general public will engage them in a way that builds trust.

    Understanding and guiding prospective clients through the buyers’ journey can help you influence how they interact with your brand.

    There are three basic phases that every customer goes through:

    1. Awareness: The customer realizes there is a problem that needs solving.
    2. Consideration: After defining the problem, the buyer comes up with possible solutions.
    3. Decision: Looking at a variety of avenues, the best choice is made.

    While your salesforce might feel stuck with “dead-end” buyers, there are many solutions to help you transform them into profitable clients.

    Working with American Speedy Printing | Marketing Print Mail, you can establish marketing strategies that complement your business plan. Transform Lukewarm Leads into Loyal Customers,” your sales team will be better informed on how to build brand loyalty and awareness. For more information on this, contact American Speedy Printing and talk with our expert team today.

    Joe is passionate about helping SMBs. He’s spent the last 30+ years building the American Speedy Printing Marketing • Print • Mail – and sharing best practices and marketing trends with his customers. Through research, in-person visits and this blog, he hopes to engage with and empower local business owners and marketing professionals.

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